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Product news Q2 2024

We strive daily to simplify and streamline invoice management for you and your business. Every month, we update our service with major and minor news, as well as incremental improvements.

Product News Q2 2024:

  • Reference Check
  • Invoice Reception
  • Project Ferrari - We focus on performance
  • Travel Expenses and reimbursements with Visma Acubiz
  • Dashboard Tips!
  • Changes in User Interface
  • How to Copy Information from invoices - Web Browser Update!

Reference Check

Do you use reference check?

This is a feature in Compello with very high accuracy where the system extracts specific information not found in the invoice's basic data. This can include vehicle registration numbers, meter numbers from electricity bills, project numbers, or which employee an invoice should be sent to based on the invoice's content.

The more matches, the more automation.

There are many benefits to using reference check:

  • Efficiency: Reference check increases the likelihood of matches, resulting in less work for the person receiving the invoice.
  • Automation: More matches lead to a higher degree of automation, which means fewer manual tasks for you.
  • Flexibility: Reference values can be transferred either from Compello, an ERP system, or another data source you wish, such as HRM systems or the like.
  • Rule-based Flow: Some ERP systems allow you to create rules in Compello. This means that if a reference is recognized, an invoice can automatically follow a specific flow based on that reference. If this functionality is not present, you can manually create rule sets that link a reference to an approver.

Do you want more information about reference check?

Contact one of our advisors today.

Invoice Reception

Have you thought about how much time you spend on the actual receipt of invoices?

A lot of what we do in our workday goes on autopilot, but surprisingly, a lot of time is spent here! Some invoices come in as PDF attachments in an email, some via mail, some are sent as E-Invoices (EHF), and others attach the invoice as an image file... You must download, open, check, drag it somewhere… This is a big time thief and something we can easily automate for you.

What kind of data can we extract?

By automating the invoice reception, we take on the heavy lifting. No more manual import or checking of documents. All of this is handled behind the scenes so that your invoices come in just like digital PEPPOL/EHF invoices – completely automatically and without errors.

In addition to simplifying the reception process, the accuracy and quality of your data are also increased! Thanks to AI and smart rules, we reduce human errors to almost zero.

Here is what we can extract for you in invoice reception. And, we do this with an accuracy rate of 99.6%!

  • Quantity
  • Item number
  • Taxes
  • Bank account number (IBAN)
  • Amount
  • Order number
  • Your reference
  • Unit price
  • Invoice date
  • Invoice number
  • Invoice type
  • Due date
  • Shipping
  • Environmental fee
  • VAT amount
  • Net amount for the line
  • Organization number
  • Discount
  • Company ID
  • Currency code

Here are four benefits of using invoice reception:

  • You save a lot of time by not manually registering invoices.
  • You avoid human errors such as incorrect data entry or lost invoices.
  • You gain much better control and can see the status and changes of each individual invoice.
  • You reduce the waiting time for processing and approving invoices.

With us, invoice reception is included in the Smart package.

Would you like to have a chat about invoice reception?

Contact one of our advisors today.

Travel Expenses and reimbursements

Chaos in your travel expenses? You're not alone!

Now you can finally organize all the expenses for yourself and your colleagues! Thanks to our strategic partner Visma Acubiz, we can offer the best available solution on the market for travel and expense management.

Project Ferrari 

One of the major projects we are working on leading up to Christmas is performance. Among the things we are working to improve are:

  • Faster loading of invoice images and posting lines
  • Adding new posting lines
  • Navigation between fields in the posting lines
  • Copying posting lines
  • Distribution to approvers
  • Faster application of accounting templates
  • Improvements in imports

The project started before the summer of 2024 and will continue right up to Christmas.

Improvements are released continuously as they are developed and tested.


In the last round of product news, we launched the dashboard in Compello. We hope as many as possible visit the dashboard daily. Here is how it looks:


This time, we'll cover three things you should keep an eye on in the dashboard. This way, you'll always be aware of your level of automation and can identify areas where you might adjust the process.

  • Number of Invoices Handled Annually:

This provides insight into the actual workload and aids in planning.

Tip: Look for variations. Are there seasonal patterns or increases? An increase might indicate growth, while a decrease may warrant further investigation.

  • Degree of Automation:

How much of your process is truly automated? A higher degree means more automation.

Tip: Look for opportunities... are there suppliers who haven't switched to E-Invoicing (EHF)?

  • Processing Time:

Reducing the time from receipt to payment improves cash flow and supplier relationships.

Tip: Identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

User Interface Changes:

Based on your feedback, we've made some changes to the archive module.

Watch the video to see how the module looks now:

Copy Information from Vouchers:

Thanks to updated web browser features, you can now copy information directly from the voucher.

If you use browsers like Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, you now have the ability to copy information from vouchers.

Microsoft Edge:

  • Click on the Visual Search icon, select "Text in this image", and then choose what you want to copy.

Google Chrome:

  • For Google Lens, click on the three dots in the top right corner or right-click on an image. Select "Search with Google Lens" and then "Text in this image".

Here's What We're Working On:

  • Auto-accounting for PDFs
  • Push notifications in the mobile app!
  • Webinar with Vieri
  • Accounting NXT in October

P.S.: Remember, you can always provide feedback and vote on ideas in our Idea Portal.

Do you have any questions regarding the product updates?

Contact Support here.

Best regards

Customer Success teamet 


You can contact our support team fo further questions:)

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