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Product News december 2023

Product News december 2023

We work daily to simplify and streamline invoice management for you and your business. Every month, we update the service with major and minor news as well as minor improvements.

In addition, we will provide you with a useful Tip & Trick!

This month's news:

  • Rules - new criterion "Is Between" for amount and currency.
  • Approver email - changed UI and removed link for security reasons.
  • Substitute - change the end date for multiple substitutes at the same time.
  • Multi-edit of lookup tables.
  • PO match - added more functions.
  • New mobile app is just around the corner!! 📱
  • New partnerships

Rules - new criterion "Is Between" for amount and currency

You can use the "Is Between" operator for amount and currency for both accounting rules and allocation rules.

Approver Email - Improved UI and Removed Link

Updated User Interface in Approval Emails:

We have updated the user interface (UI) in the approval emails. This change aligns with our goal to offer a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Enhanced Security - Removed Link:

The security of our customers is our highest priority. In an effort to protect you from potential phishing attempts, we have removed direct links from our approval emails. This means that you will now perform your approval actions directly from our secure platform instead of through a link in the email.

News in Admin substitute

  • Change end date for multiple substitutes at the same time
  • Multi-Edit of lookup tables 


We've now made it even easier for you to manage substitutes in PROCESS. You can easily change the end date for multiple substitutes at the same time. This way, you no longer need to go into each individual substitute to make changes.

With just a few clicks, you can update the end date for all the substitutes you wish to change. This saves you time and makes it more efficient to manage substitutes in the system.


User Setup - Select User - Substitutes

Multi-Edit of Lookup Tables

Chart of Accounts - Set multiple accounts to Auto-approve or inactive/active.

We have now made it easier for you to manage the chart of accounts in PROCESS. You can now easily select multiple accounts and set them to either "Auto-approve" or "inactive/active". This will save you time and make it more efficient to manage the chart of accounts in the system.

Other Lookup Tables - Set multiple values to inactive/active.

In addition to the chart of accounts, you can also manage other lookup tables in PROCESS. We have now enabled you to select multiple values and set them to either "inactive" or "active".

News in PO Match

  • Calculator in the Unit Price Field
  • Sort Columns in the Matching Screen
  • Copy Lines/Values from the Matching Screen to Excel
  • PO Rules Activated for All Suppliers

Calculator in the Unit Price Field

You can now also use the calculator function in the unit price field in the same way as for the amount field.


Sort Columns in the matching screen

Every column in the matching screen can be sorted according to your needs. This provides better control and a more structured workflow for invoice management. Sort the columns to achieve a more organized view of the data, allowing you to work more efficiently and accurately.

Copying Lines/Values from the Matching Screen to Excel or Other Similar Programs

Select the lines you wish to copy and choose "Copy PO Lines" from the menu.

Open Excel or a similar program and select "Paste".

A PO Rule for All Suppliers

You can save time and effort by creating a rule that applies to all suppliers instead of creating a separate rule for each individual supplier.


We are proud to announce several strategic partnerships:

Together with Visma Acubiz, Efacto, and Vieri, we can now offer more solutions in Compello. Read more about the new features here:



PS: Remember that you can always provide input and vote on ideas in our Idea Portal.
Best regards, The product team at PROCESS
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