5 tips for increasing the level of automation in the real estate industry

In the real estate industry, cost-effectiveness and accuracy are essential. Digitalisation and automation, especially in invoice management, are key to effectively tracking costs in project accounting and across the property portfolio.


Automation not only saves a lot of time; it is crucial for enhancing accuracy, reducing risk, and cutting costs.

As industry leaders in automation, we share our top 5 tips for achieving higher levels of automation!


1. Digitize all invoices:

Streamline and make the approval process efficient by digitizing invoices from all suppliers with EHF (Elektronisk Handelsformat). This not only helps in processing invoices faster and more accurately but also lays a solid foundation for automating invoice management. If the supplier doesn't send EHF invoices, Compello offers a solution to convert them to EHF.

2. Automate the approval process:

Invoice approval processes can be time-consuming and involve multiple individuals, especially in larger organizations. With Compello, you can track average processing times, identify bottlenecks, and easily set up automated approval workflows.

Constantly on the move? With a dedicated app, you can easily approve invoices and monitor project expenses, whether you're at the construction site or the cabin.COMPELLOAPP

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3. Project-based accounting:
We identify project numbers from the invoice and easily automate the accounting and approval workflow. With multiple variables and costs to track, this will help you stay updated on all projects and phases without encountering major surprises!

4. Utilize multi-client functionality:
With Compello, you can easily manage the entire property portfolio from one place!

This significantly reduces the time spent on administrative tasks, allowing you to focus more on managing and optimizing your properties.

5. Work more efficiently with smart integrations:

Explore our smart integrations that can streamline your workflow:

  • Visma Acubiz: Designed to automate and simplify expense management!
  • eFacto Invoice Firewall: Take invoice processing to the next level, ensuring 100% accurate data every time.
  • House of Control: The perfect match for automatically tracking costs against contracts.

Our customer promise:

Manual handling of invoices is a time thief! Our customer promise is an 80% automation level within six months, with the ambition of reaching over 95% within two years.

We have over 40 integrations in place and ample opportunity for customization, so you can easily automate invoice management and instead focus your time on exciting and profitable core activities.

Our goal is to make the implementation of these changes as simple and seamless as possible.

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